Step by Step Plan

Is it Hard? No but it takes work!

Working together we not only navigate all the needed hurdles in starting up a new venture. We also help instill a since of pride and ownership in your new business!

The Tax Preparation industry has grown as the IRS has implemented new and more complex tax laws every year.

Statistic shows that as of 2022 the market size of the Tax Preparation Services industry is $11.9bn an increase of 3.3% from 2021. By 2023 The market size, measured by revenue, of the Tax Preparation Services industry will be $14.4bn in 2023.

*How many businesses are there in the Tax Preparation Services industry in the US in 2023?

There are 129,045 Tax Preparation Services businesses in the US as of 2023, an increase of 2.8% from 2022

*Which States have the highest number of businesses in the Tax Preparation Services industry in the United States?

California (18,776 businesses), Texas (11,306 businesses) and Florida (10,106 businesses) are the States with the most number of Tax Preparation Services businesses in the US.

1040taxbiz knows the industry, and know how to monetize a Tax prep Office.

Business Structure

one of the first questions that to be answered, is how you are going to setup your own business. Most operate as a Sole proprietorship!

Plan Smart

You will be assigned a business coach once you are on board. The two of you will develop a comprehensive plan,as part of your quick start-up..

Industry Setup

We will assist in set-up with both Tax Partners with in the industry and Government agencies.

Start-Up Success

Training, Training! We need to get you through both Technical and Operational Training.

What are the steps to success?


Mutual Vetting

During this time 1040taxbiz will discuss the benefits and features of our service. We also determine the viability of the prospective affiliate.  The prospective affiliate will determine if the 1040taxbiz program is right for them by asking any questions or concerns.

Start or expand your tax office with zero upfront costs! Get software, training, PTIN & EFIN assistance, bank products, and marketing support. Join 1040TaxBiz today!

Enrollment Period

Once you are ready to move forward, 1040 TaxBiz will send out your service agreement.  Upon completion 1040 TaxBiz will then provide instructions within our “WELCOME EMAIL” outlining next steps as well as obtain remaining required docs for enrollment.  Once all steps are completed you will be added to the 1040 TaxBiz family and begin onboarding!


Now that you are a partner with 1040 TaxBiz, we can start the process of enrolling you in the authorized IRS E-file program, the IRS PTIN program, our software platform, banking platform and our in-house management platform.

Pre-Season Strategy

During this period 1040 TaxBiz will work with you to discuss your goals and create a strategy for success.  This is a time for creating your marketing plan, building your brand and websites, finalizing your office set up, recruiting tax preparers, and all other essentials for tax season!

In the Heat


1040 TaxBiz provides online training covering everything from tax law, tax software, ethics, office management, and marketing.  The training will be conducted by live instructors utilizing live interactive webinars, as well as you are given access to our library of recorded webinars to train at your convenience.

Final Push

This period between October and January 1 is essential for your success during tax season.  1040 TaxBiz will assist ensuring you are heavily marketing all the benefits that you are providing potential clients.  We do a final audit of your office to make sure you are all set and ready to go for tax season.

Tax Season

Office Set!

In this industry you have understand that you make your revenue in just 8 to 12 weeks.  You have to capitalize on potential clients before they file with your competition.  Be ready to make changes on a daily basis.  Your return on your investment will be determined by the time & effort you put in.  The real secret to success is selling & marketing of your services.

Relax, Evaluate, & Renew

Now that you’ve completed tax season, you can enjoy the fruits of your labor!  1040 TaxBiz will work with you individually to discuss the highs and lows of the season and how you can improve for future years as well as build on the numbers you generated! When the time comes we would love to have you work with us again and we will renew our service to help GROW your tax preparation business!
Our Model Works.


Yes we make it very affordable to open your very own business. However the work that goes into starting and succeeding a new business. We have new office making high five and six figure income in their first year. Nothing is guarantee; it come down to your effort and drive to be successful!
Business woman using calculator for do math finance on wooden desk in office, tax, accounting, statistics home accounring concept

Copyright by 1040TaxBiz. All rights reserved.

Copyright by 1040TaxBiz All rights reserved.

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