Enjoy no limit to the number of tax returns that can be prepared and filed with your 1040TaxBiz software. We don’t limit you per return, so you don’t feel limited and can continue to grow your business. includes everything you need to succeed and grow your tax preparation business. We offer the finest cloud-based tax software. and our top-rated technical support is there year round.
We do not believe in “work orders” or “trouble tickets”. The season is too short and time is critical to success, especially during tax season. When there is a problem we stay on it until it is resolved. We staff the call center to handle your needs, remember our business model is based on – if you are not making money we are not making money. During Tax season we add additional staff and your business coach act as your in-house champion for your business. Will there be problems? Yes, checks will misprint, passwords will need reset, Clients will walk-in with unusual problems. Most can be resolved with a phone call, if we need to see more, we just ask you to login to our online help portal (simple-help) so we can see your computer and what the issue is, and how to answer the need.
1040TaxBiz takes pride in assisting our clients with everything they need to maintain IRS compliance! This includes helping you through the process of obtaining a EFIN and PTIN, as well as guiding you through obtaining an EIN. With 1040TaxBiz you can be confident that your office will be set up professionally and securely.
Don’t worry about complicated setup processes with the bank, 1040TaxBiz will get you completely enrolled in all bank products. Your office will not only be able to take fees out of the customers refund, but also provide them an up to $7000 Refund Advance which keeps you competitive!
The hardest part about operating a tax business isn’t actually filing taxes, its getting people in the door! 1040Taxbiz is committed to helping our offices market themselves in away that allows them to be competitive with huge brands like H&R Block or Jackson Hewitt! We train you on how to properly advertise your business while maintaining full compliance with IRS laws in regards to advertising.
After 29 years of working with thousand of new Startups we have refine our process, We know and understand the Tax Preparation Industry. Success has three key elements Regulatory Compliance, Office management, and Marketing. We work with you to understand your duties under IRS requirements for Tax Preparers to operate an Ethical, successful tax office. All your efforts and hard work does not mean a lot if you are not making Money. Our training will cover Pre-Season, In-Season, and year round markets. How to target each and build a book of business that come back year after year.
You will learn how to use the software in both “Interactive” and “Direct” mode. How to use the build-in reports and how to design your own. You will learn the Office management platform and to schedule and manage your Clients. You will learn how to navigate the Dashboard within the Tax Software, the client Portal, the video conference platform, and our in house communication platform. These are all tools that are part of your core training.